Sunday, August 28th, 2011

I slept in a little this morning, then made myself some breakfast.  I had big plans to drive to Takkakaw Falls, but it's a long drive so decided against it after driving from Edmonton yesterday.  Instead, I took my computer and camera and first went to Starbuck's in Marda Loop.  I worked on some photos and did a little web surfing, while drinking a Frappuccino.  It was a perfect sunny Sunday to chill out and just enjoy the day.

Afterwards, I went down to Kensington and stopped at the Regal Beagle for wings and a beer on the patio while I read the paper.  They arguably have the best wings in Calgary.  Then I took my camera and took some photos at Riley Park.  I was hoping they'd have a cricket game going on, but I guess they don't play or practice on Sundays.

I finally went home and did some laundry, watched Damages on my computer, and then cleaned up a little.  I think I'm going to make it an early night.

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