Friday, July 29th, 2011

I spent the day with Lurline, as we went looking for a place for me to live.  Unfortunately, because it's a long weekend, nobody seemed to be working today - even though Heritage Day is on Monday!  It was very frustrating to be leaving messages and not even getting one call back.  So, we decided to do a little shopping.  We went to a furniture thrift store and a few discount stores, so I could stock up on all the things I need to live on my own again.  When we were up in the Northeast, a huge black cloud moved in and started spinning.  It looked like it had the makings of a tornado - but it never developed into anything.  They did issue a tornado warning, though.  It figures I didn't have my camera with me!  Anyway, our day was so busy ... we covered a lot of ground, and still had time for a nice patio lunch at Original Joe's in Mission.  When I got home, I realized I hadn't taken a photo.  That seems to happen a lot lately.  Anyway, here's Pumpkin, one of the Raposo's cats ... he's fat and very annoying.  He meows very loudly in the morning.  Actually, he can be heard crying most of the day - trying to get somebody to scratch his round belly.  Yep, pretty much all the time.  He's one weird cat.

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