Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

What a day.  Woke up early to head to the U.S. with mom and Lurline.  We did some shopping, then met my Auntie Betty for lunch.  Then, we did more shopping.  The sun came out in the afternoon and it was a pretty good drive home.  We made it home midway through the first period of game seven of the Stanley Cup final.  Unfortunately, Boston won 4 to 0.  I settled in to watch So You Think You Can Dance, but within about 10 minutes, the show was interrupted because of riots that had broken out in downtown Vancouver.  It's an embarrassment to all of Canada, and particularly to Vancouver.  Any true fan wouldn't respond with destruction and violence, because it's disrespectful to their team.  Shameful!

Took this quick picture out in the garden ... some beautiful blooms on the Wisteria.

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