Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Got up fairly early this morning and actually saw some sunshine!  It was quite fascinating.  Then Lurline, Dave and I went to meet Jeff at Nellie's for breakfast.  We had some great conversation and some laughs, but the best part was Jeff just got a new, little puppy - it was some mix of bichon, mini poodle and something else, I think.  Honestly, it was the most adorable little thing I've seen in a long time.  It made me a little sad that I couldn't just play with it all day!  But, we had to go and drop some things at Lurline's new office, then we were off to the Farmer's Market.  I love it there!  Then, we spent the rest of the day checking out new RV trailers.  I don't know why, but I love to look through RVs, etc.... maybe because I know I'll never have one, so it's nice to dream!  When we got home, there was some thunder and lightning, and Soleil was scared and crawled under the desk to hide - she was shaking and cowering - poor thing.  Once it stopped, she seemed so relieved and happy - this is her... post-storm.

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