Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

A warm 26 degrees today in Calgary!  Talia and I went downtown into the Mission district and had lunch and a drink at Purple Perk - one of my favorite coffee shops in Calgary.  Then, we drove around a bit - Talia doesn't get to go downtown very much, so I think she was enjoying the people watching.  We ended up at Eau Claire and looked around some of the shops.  I bought a ring from Tibet for $4.00.  I'd be losing money if I didn't buy it, as Lisa would say.  We had a few hours to kill, so we took a walk around Prince's Island Park and it was absolutely gorgeous - green, lush and full of activity.  We decided to head over to Fionn MacCool's and have a drink.  So, the two of us had some bonding time and talked about everything. A little later, Debra and Bryn showed up.  Then, the band arrived.  We listened to Sean and Rodger do some songs that I know and love.  Finally, Lurline got dropped off by Dave to drive Talia and I home - we'd been drinking so needed a driver.  After a great night with friends and fantastic music, I said good-bye and headed home.  What a brilliant day and night!!!

Here's me with one of my best friends in the world, Bryn:

1 comment:

Gardenfarey's Blog spot said...

Great picture of you and Brynn.