Monday, July 25th, 2011

My parents and I left pretty early this morning to go down to Bellingham.  I have to admit, I spent a little more money than I had anticipated.  I only bought one $4 item in Big Lots, but then when I got to Ross, it was another story.  Everything seemed to fit me, and I was finding some great clothes for work.  I like to represent myself well when I start a new position, so I've got myself some really nice outfits.  I even got three new dresses - one of them a little black number!

We met my Auntie Betty for lunch, and had a nice visit.  It was good to see her before I leave for Calgary.  After lunch, we made it to Big Kmart, where I bought a couple more little items, then we went to Walmart.  I always like to stop at Walmart because I can get wine so cheap.  It was about $9 U.S. for a magnum of Shiraz.  Brilliant!

It was getting pretty late in the afternoon by this point, so we headed home.  Dad and I played a little guitar together when we got home, then we watched a movie.  It was a fantastic day!

1 comment:

Gardenfarey's Blog spot said...

It was a perfect day!!! Love the shopping, movie thing. I will miss it when you leave.