Saturday, July 16th, 2011

What a hot, sunny day in Calgary!  It was a nice change to see the sun.  Mom, Lurline, Talia, Tristan & I headed downtown to check out what free Stampede events we could find.  We went down to Fluor Square at Olympic Plaza, but nothing was happening.  So, we walked along Stephen Avenue in the sunshine, and looked at the stalls and did some people watching.  It was lunch time by this point, so we sat on the Earl's patio and had a refreshing beverage and a tasty lunch.  Afterwards, Lurline took us to her new office because mom hadn't seen it yet.  Then, we went to a big discount store in the South and everybody bought something small.  That night, Lurline, Dave, mom and I went to Ceili's pub in the South and listened to the live music out on the patio.  It was nice to enjoy the warm weather well into the evening.  I love Stampede!

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