Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

I really made some good progress on my packing today.  Spent most of the day in my bedroom trying to sort, organize, and stuff everything in bins.  I met Mom and Dad in Sears just after lunch, so I could help find my Mom some clothes for the cruise we're going on in January.  They had a big sale on, so everything was pretty cheap.

Monica and Jack came by around dinner time, and we had a scrumptious chef's salad - ham, cheese, eggs, cucumber ... yum!

After dinner, Jack, Dad and I went down to Canadian Tire to see if I could find a rooftop carrier for my car.  It seems I have a lot more stuff than I thought!  Just as we were leaving, this rainbow took shape over our house.  It was vibrant and gorgeous - mom took this shot, and I borrowed it because I didn't have my camera.  At Canadian Tire, I managed to find a 13 cubic squared waterproof rooftop carrier for $50.  It's soft so will be easy to store once I'm settled again ... if that ever happens!

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